The governing bodies of the Association
Barcelona Shipping Agents Association was formed to, act in accordance with, the representation, management, defense and promotion of the professional interests of its members. It is the primary statute governing the administration of Barcelona shipping since January 2000, and by Law, 19/1977 as of, 1st April (B. O. E. no. 80.) and Decree 873/1977 as of, 22nd April (B. O. E. No. 101).
Annual General Meeting
The Barcelona Shipping Agents Association (BSAA) is representative of its members and is comprised of all those elected from the Associate membership of BSAA. The Board of Directors shall convene its meetings once a year, during the first annual quarter. The Board of Directors will establish such procedures as it sees fit for conducting its business and regulating its affairs of the previous year’s accounting and the budget of income and expenditure of the current financial year.
Board of Governors
The Board of Directors is the permanent body of government, management, administration and management of the Barcelona Shipping Agents Association.
Governing board

Sr. Jordi Trius Traserra
Marítima del Mediterraneo, S.A.

Sr. Albert Pallarés Nogueras
Combalía Agencia Marítima. S.A.

Sr. Arturo Fernández García
Vapores Suardiaz Mediterráneo, S.A.

Sra. Mª Carmen Murillo Aranda
Agunsa Europa, S.A.

Sra. Eulàlia Arana i Torras
Agencia Marítima Española Evge, S.A.

Sr. Leandro Calzadilla Rizo
Ocean Network Express (Spain). S.A.

Sra. Carolina Díaz
CMA CGM Ibérica S.A.U.