Advantages for companies
that form part of
- We are present and actively participate in all forums that relate to any matter regarding the shipping agency profession.
- The Association is established as an indispensable partner of the Port of Barcelona in the acquisition and retaining of traffic, and thereby promoting the shipping agent.
- The history of the Association stretches back over 90 years, allowing us to gain influence and representativeness for the profession, within the sector, to the benefit of our members.
- The General Assembly, a sovereign body, consists of all member companies and is established as a professional forum where the shipping agent can express its concerns and where the institution’s main lines of action are drawn up.
- There are work groups in which the problems inherent to different modalities are addressed (Cruises, Tramp, Short Sea Shipping and Car Carrier). The representativeness of the association allows management and paths to resolution to be found via contact with institutions of the sector.
- The Association organises both in-situ and on-line training courses.
- There is a series of services available to the member which is described in this document.
- As the sector’s employers’ Association, it negotiates the collective agreement.
- The Association participates in different Port Authority forums where the prominence of joint protection and the development of its interests are promoted.
- The Association takes part in the Fòrum Telemàtic defining the Information and communications technology processes associated with the passage of goods through the port which is a competitive factor for the shipping agent.
- The Association is part of Anesco, which allows it to defend our members at the highest level, as well as to improve the image and perception of the work carried out by the shipping agent. Through Anesco we are part of Ecasba and Fonasba.
- The Association promotes free economic competition and adopts a best practices guide for the protection of free competition.
How are we
The General Assembly, the sovereign body of the Association, is comprised of all member companies.
The Governing Board is the permanent body of governance and management. All members can elect and be elected as members of the Governing Board.

In order to achieve the objectives of the Association, and given the complexity and richness of the sector, the institution is structured into several committees and working groups.
The committees address the core issues of the institution, such as the negotiation of the sector’s collective agreement, the sector’s on-going training and the improvement of procedures and communication of the association itself. The working groups address specific aspects of the shipping business as well as the difficulties contained therein.
The representativeness of the association allows management and paths to resolution to be found via collaboration with institutions of the sector. Traditionally the most active working groups are: Cruises, Car Carrier, Tramp and Short Sea Shipping.
The Association encourages participation, which means our members attend Governing Board meetings in order to better understand the management of the institution.
This allows the Governing Board to hear the concerns and difficulties of the members directly. The Association visits its member companies in order to establish a personalised communication channel, providing information on activities performed by the institution as well as gaining information on problems encountered by our members.

Forums in wich we
The Port Authority of Barcelona promotes the participation of the representative institutions of the operators of the sector in a series of forums in which the association actively participates.
The purpose of the participation is to promote quality services and to contribute to the promotion of our members’ interest.
- Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Barcelona
- The Board of Governors for the Promotion of the Port Community
- Navigation and Port Board
- Fòrum Telemàtic
- Monitoring Committee of the Quality Brand
- Private Foundation of Shipping Agents of Barcelona
- Apostleship of the Sea Solidarity Committee
We form part of a
wider network
In order to achieve representativeness the Association is part of a network of institutions of a broader scope which strengthens its representation while protecting the interests of our members at national and international level.