
Liner Shipping



Curso en inglés dirigido al personal de las agencias consignatarias, empresas importadoras y exportadoras y empresas del sector de la logística interesadas en el área del transporte marítimo de línea regular. El curso transcurre a lo largo de 10 semanas. El alumno necesitará 60 horas de dedicación a lo largo del curso. Así mismo el curso ofrece un total de 60 horas de tutoría donde los profesores estarán online para resolver cualquier cuestión y compartir información.

El temario incluye la descripción de los operadores que actúan en el contexto del transporte marítimo de línea regular, la documentación/procesos telemáticos, el contenedor y la operativa marítimo portuaria, el flete, la multimodalidad y la línea regular no contenerizada, los aspectos económicos y organizativos de una agencia marítima de línea regular y los aspectos legales asociados a la línea regular.

El curso estará alojado en la plataforma de la Universidad UOC, en un formato innovador siguiendo la metodología propia de la UOC que enriquecerá la experiencia formativa del alumno.

Inicio Curso: 21 de septiembre al 6 de diciembre de 2024
– V. Inglés

60 horas

10 temas

Curso online

Diploma acreditativo


¿Qué piensan nuestros alumnos?

«Let me to extend my congratulations to you and the Tutors of the different topics we had, the truth it was an intriguing course where you can understand and learn about the different concepts and forms of operation in maritime logistics. This environment is enveloping, fascinating, and this course open your mind and increase the knowledge. My respects and congrats.«
Elvia Rochin. MSC. Branch Manager Ensenada.

«A very interesting and valuable experience. I learnt a lot and it gave me a good grounding in the basics. It really made me think and use my experience and work competency, I liked how it enabled me to interact with students and instructors through the online forums . I’m sure the course and certificate will drive me to another level in shipping and transportation, more opportunities to come and I will keep learning as always. I do recommend this course for all people involve in the shipping field.«

«I don’t know how to express my great appreciation for the great opportunity that was given to me to join the online course of FONASBA ACB Liner Shipping Transportation.
It was really such a tremendous journey. This programme from A to Z is interesting, I didn’t actually expect the amount of information and the way this is related to every single detail in Liner Shipping Transportation. This programme has raised up my professional experience to a better level and added more enthusiasm to move on and achieve more in my logistics career. A special thanks to all the tutors who were always available to answer our enquiries and provide any support or follow up during the programme.
Amina Faiz. Hamag Project&Forwarding.

«Liner Shipping Transportation course is a coming sunrises experience. Why? Tons of info spreaded in every single way, angle, practice and development, historically and actually. From the beginning till present. Who? Top Masters, AAA teachers and professionals who are willing to share with you theirs huges amounts of knowledge. With? 24/7 partners in/out the business available at the platform. This is a MUST if you are about Line Shipping. DON’T REGRET IT, COME FOR IT.«
Odón Loraque.

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